Marketing Jesus

I am not recommending mass-advertising campaigns, such as the "Jesus: All About Life" campaign run by ministries across Australia recently. This seems like an effort to re-convince the faithful that they're still living in Christendom rather than an authentic attempt to communicate with people outside the church. But this post, from an interesting site called, is useful because it gives honest feedback from a non-Christian marketing professional who put together the campaign. The marketer, Angus Kinnard, offers this persepctive:
"I've had lots of clients wanting to update their image," says the Melbourne strategy director of FutureBrand. "But I don't think I've ever come across one that has quite as many problems as the church."

The campaign focused on Jesus because market research revealed that "The church was seen as the problem, not the solution."

But of course, that might be Australia, but it couldn't be true in the US. Right?


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