Emerging in the Mainline

With our Bishop's support we're bringing Karen Ward, pastor of Church of the Apostles in Seattle, in for a day of conversation and reflection on the emerging church within the mainline tradition. It is open beyond the Lutheran fold, so if you're an emerging type in the area, please join us. It will be an all-day event on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2006.

Drop a comment and I'll email you a registration form. Registration forms will be posted on the Synod website soon.


Chris Duckworth said…
Bob - thanks for your leadership on this event. I'll be there, with ancient/postmodern bells on . . .
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh!
Bob, I found this page in the referrals section of my usage stats (crosspointings.org) so I clicked to follow through. What's the first thing I see? "Christ's Lutheran Church" in Oreland! Dude, I did part of my growing up there. My grandmother was my first witness to real faith and she was a member there forever and a day, I got my first Bible there! It was the best sledding hill for a 6 year old ANYWHERE.

And it's going to have Karen Ward come in? Awesome! It's nice to see an established community looking a bit ahead of where it is - I hope God opens hearts/minds/bodies/souls to what Karen presents. I might just have to come...

I've got to come!

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