
Showing posts from 2006

Let's keep the Cross in Christmas

Shepherd me, O God!

Advent labyrinth

Let it be

Struck dumb

A ROSE by any other name?

Lutheran Advent calendar

Wither the grass?

Rejoicing in the wasteland

Anxiously unaware

What do I desire?

Already ... and not yet

Wolves and lambs

Thinking upside-down

Selective focus

World AIDS Day

Companions on the journey

Future tense?

The Big Moo

Out of context

pray-as-you-go: Figure the Cost

Going to their house

Philly Emergent cohort tomorrow night

The world in a nutshell

Five years on...

On mission and vision

"God is there..."

15 seconds of fame

New Orleans, one year later

Existing / Emerging

Free stuff

Learning party!

Tasty morsels from the blog world

Wading in the waters

Good reads

Liquid discipleship

How many more Sundays?

Out of the frying pan...

Can love be commanded?

Style vs. substance